Sustainable Success in San Ignacio

By: Al Liu

Located just minutes from the Río Canchis that divides Peru from Ecuador, CAC CEBICAFEN (Central Binacional de Cafetaleros Namballinos) is a relatively small cooperative with modest beginnings that continues to grow in size and sophistication. Atlas was introduced to the group in 2010 and bought the first container the following year, and since then Cebicafen’s coffee has proven to be a good option for roasters looking for a value Peru FTO. In a region where few women can be found in leadership positions, the general manager, Eli Román Castillo, continues to seek opportunities that will benefit CEBICAFEN members. The co-op is building a new office and warehouse featuring a brand-new roasting operation that will tap the domestic market for roasted coffee and bring added value to the producers.

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