Parabéns! (Congratulations!)

By: Jennifer Roberts

Nov 16, 2016

We are thrilled to congratulate our friends at Fazenda Guariroba, one of the Santo Antonio do Ampâro Estates (SanCoffee) members, on their win in the Cup of Excellence Naturals competition!



Here’s some more information about the producer from our friends at SanCoffee:

“A Sancoffee farm is the winner of the Cup of Excellence Naturals 2016. Fazenda Guariroba and its Yellow Catucaí Natural Lado a Lado achieved a remarkable 90,5 points.


“The grower, Homero Paiva, draw on a heritage of many years of coffee production, and he represents the 5th generation – a new one is already following the family’s steps and is going to be the 6th. Homero’s uncle, Fernando Paiva, a wise and visionary man, now a 95 years old, started to produce good quality coffees in 1940's. At that time, he saw the potential of Santo Antonio do Amparo region for the specialty natural coffees. And Mr. Fernando was right.


“After many years, Homero Paiva started his own coffee production in the same farm he grew up. He has decided to focus on specialty coffees and sustainable growing system. And to achieve these goals he has based himself on his family history, knowledge, strongly engaged team and love.

“Sancoffee is honored and happy to have Homero Paiva as one of its specialty coffee grower members. It is only the beginning!”


We have been able to secure a small microlot from Guariroba this year and will also once again be bringing in lots from Fazenda Samambaia, the Estate Classic Blend, and our proprietary single-origin Espresso called “Flor de Ipê” from this great cooperative.  Call us for arrival information and samples.