By: Dana Foster

Yaxcoffee is an organization of coffee producers, founded in October of 2011. Prior to forming this organization, two groups (UPEIS TZIJIB BABI and Cafes Especiales de Mexico) operated independently. With a shared goal of supporting community members, improving yields, sharing administrative costs and reducing operating costs, these two groups joined forces to form Yaxcofee. Today, Yaxcoffee has 1144 total producers who farm an area of roughly 1800 hectares. Most producers have between 1-2 hectares of land and each memeber depulps their own coffee by hand before letting it dry on small patios in their homes or near their farms. Most of the producers are from the Tzeltales and Choles indigenous groups and are strongly connected to the Maya culture, customs and traditions.

All coffee from Yaxcoffee is Fairtrade and Organic Certified, grown in two regions of the “Alto Chiapas” called Yayaon and Jaltenango. Most coffee is produced between 1000-1500 masl in a tropical and humid climate with dense morning fog, providing incredible conditions for coffee plant development.

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